This is Your Song

Happy 65th Birthday, Daddy

My Dad and I are very different. But there are two things that we both agree on. We love each other and we love Elton John. In fact, my father and I danced to "Your Song" at my wedding.

A long time ago, when I dreamed of a life on stage and screen, I envisioned writing my father a huge check for his dream retirement and inviting Mr. John himself to serenade my father at a giant party. Well, that check would bounce, my Dad hates big parties, and Mr. John does not know that I inhabit this Earth.

So here's Plan B. In honor of his 65th birthday, I recorded the song. It may not be as fabulous as Plan A but there is no less love in Plan B.

I love you, Daddy. You're the best!

If you could please go over to You Tube and tell my Dad, a big happy birthday for me that would be awesome. It might even make me feel like the rock star I once aspired to be.


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