Thanksgiving 2

Thursday was Thanksgiving for most of my American friends. And it would have been for us, but as a military family, our schedule is often not our own. My husband worked on turkey day so we decided to reschedule for Friday. Yep, we chose to celebrate a lesser known holiday -- Thanksgiving 2.We still had turkey...(For the record -- pre-cooked smoked turkey. All I did was heat it up -- another reason to be thankful).And a pilgrim...But mostly, we had reasons to be thankful. My husband is employed. We are well fed. We live in a nice, safe home. My children are healthy and happy. They go to a good school. And, we love each other very much. So, a day late but not a dollar short, we celebrated how very much we have.I also celebrate those of you whom this little blog has brought into my universe -- thank you so much for stopping by my place and saying hi. I am grateful for each and every one of you. You surround me in light and love.

Happy Thanksgiving 2!I'm pretty sure it beats the stuffing out of Black Friday!


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