A Star in My Own Universe

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What's Happening Wednesday #21 -- Still Blogging, Still Hopping, and There's Still a Party Going On

Boy, has it been a week! A really exciting and busy one that has left me spinning. But, as they say... "in a good way!"Friday night, I was able to introduce my son to the Harlem Globetrotters, thanks to US Family Guide.Saturday brought me to the Oasis and I Mom(med) Up with MomCom Winter 2013 -- boy, do I love the feeling of a room full of women ready and willing to support each other. There is so much power in that!My daughter and I attended "The Family of Ree" on Sunday. The terrific Pollyanna Theatre did it again. Check out my review here.I am still meeting new friends via the Grow Your Blog Party! There are so many wonderful bloggers out there!And as much as I love a party, why not be a part of two? Bloggy Moms is hosting a January Blog Hop and I am making wonderful friends there, too.So that's my crazy happening Wednesday! What's happening in your Wednesday?