Yesterday I Was the Mom that No One Wants to Be

Well, you know that mom you've seen carrying the screaming child away? The mom whose cheeks are as red from embarrassment as the child's are from screaming? Yep, THAT mom. Well, yesterday that was me.My daughter, my Little Diva, threw the worst melt-down I have ever  seen. And,of course, she couldn't choose the sanctity of our home to create such a precious moment. No. She chose the school yard. The school yard where we had just finished our Girl Scout meeting. The Girl Scout meeting that I led. Yes, I was the Girl Scout leader with the terror for a child.Things have been a jingle-jangle. Our schedules have been turned upside-down. There has been illness. There are a lot of reasons why such a China Syndrome style melt-down would happen. None of those reasons mattered in that moment, however. I couldn't stop and say to each of those pair of eyes, "It's really not my fault... We've had a bad week... She's really tired... She's really a lovely girl..." I couldn't say any of that. All I could do was walk as quickly to the car as I could.I've seen that mom before. And I've always thought. "Oh poor thing..." yet I assumed that every eye on me was judging. And not just judging me but my otherwise beautiful daughter. (In fact, I think that latter point bothered me even more.) Why do we do that to ourselves? Why do we assume that no one understands? That we are alone? Last night, in the quiet hours when the bad day turned to a bad night, I reached out to my Mama Tribe (more on that later). And they reminded me that I was not alone. They reminded me that I was not a bad mother. They reminded me that everything was going to be okay.We all need that. We all need to know that we are not alone. So if you are reading this and you are THAT mom, hear me when I tell you that you are not alone. Because yesterday I was THAT mom. Yesterday, I was the mom that no one wants to be.I was invited to join a Moments in Parenting Link-Up. Please check other moments...


Sundays in My City #49 -- Inner Space


Dr. Smith's Valentine's Day Pinspiration Giveaway