Sundays in My City #58 -- All Work and No Play???

Yet again, thanks to Dr. Smith's I visited a fabulous place! I was invited to join the team and talk about the amazing product to the nation's Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.Here is the sweet booth where I "worked" if working is talking about a product with which I'm already crazy in love.Dr Smiths booth It does not hurt if there is candy bar to my back wherein I could eat more lovely blue-raspberry saltwater taffy than any dentist would ever desire for one woman to eat. But lest you think I was under arduous work situations, this was the ridiculously lovely location of the convention.NAPNAP Collage Here's what my lunch break looked like:SIMC NAPNAP 1I even made a friend...SIMC NAPNAP 2  And saw a bird... a plane... no, it's a minion... a Blimp-nion.Blimp CollageSo that's a peek at Orlando (or the small corner I saw), catch up with other cities over at Sundays in My City at Unknown Mami.

Unknown Mami


Too Many Words and None the Right Ones


I'm a Superhero... or not