A Star in My Own Universe

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Too Many Words and None the Right Ones

With the flurry of tragedies, lock-downs, and apprehensions, I have searched for the words to express my grief and sorrow at both the Boston Marathon bombings and the West, Texas fertilizer plant explosion. So after a week of mulling and thinking, praying and sorting, here's what I came up with...There are no words.There are no words to encompass the amount of loss and senselessness of both. There are no words enough to memorialize those lost who put their lives in harm's way. There are no words that express how deeply sorry I am for the families and communities who have had beautiful contributing members stolen away.I have no words.I have no words as enormous as their loss. I have no words worthy of their love. I have no words to fill the void made in these few days.I have no words but these. There is something greater than we and right now I pray that you are carried on its mighty wings. I send my heartfelt sympathies and deepest care. They are not the right words but they are the best I've got because in truth, there are no words.