A Star in My Own Universe

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Writing Everyday in May -- Day 3: What Makes Me Uncomfortable

Day 3, Friday: Things that make me uncomfortableI have thought about this one a lot. I have spent a lot of my life being uncomfortable. I am uncomfortable with conflict -- very uncomfortable. I will do almost anything to avoid a fight. I have been uncomfortable in romantic situations -- uncomfortable if I liked someone and uncomfortable if they liked me. Heck, I have been simply uncomfortable with myself. This has been a deep part of my journey.But today, I am going to reveal the thing that really gets under my skin.

Mouth Noises

Yep! That's it. I can handle spiders (Not roaches but that's another post -- actually no, I promise to avoid that word from here on out. I'm a little sick now -- yuck! Add them to the list!) But really, I hate mouth noises -- hate, Hate, HATE them!I can't stand smacking gum. Slurping noodles make me cringe. I hate commercials for "crunchy" food. I don't even like kissing sounds in movies. There is something about the sounds that send me into the stratosphere.I can't explain it. It's not logical. At all. But it takes me over. Having two children under ten does not help this situation. And don't even get me started on patrons eating popcorn at movie theaters!So that is what makes me uncomfortable. Well, one of the many things that make me uncomfortable including the creature who will not be named. What makes you uncomfortable? This is a part of the Writing Every Day in May Challenge. You can check out Day One and Day Two. Thanks again to Jenni for hosting.