What's Happening Wednesday #26

Hi folks. It's Wednesday and this is the day that I get to share fun things that are happening in my life or around my town.First off, a couple of amazing friends and bloggers, Amanda of Keep It Complicated and Evin of Food Good, Laundry Bad have joined their Wonder Twin Powers to create Fakoodle. Now if you're wondering what the Fakoodle is, it's a terrific source for Austin mommas (and busy dads, too) who like me have realized they can't do it all. Looking for cake pops for a party? Want to know where to get the best kids consignment? Go to Fakoodle. And full disclosure, yours truly is listed with them. need help with your kid's speech or presentation? Well, that would be me.And did I mention that they have an awesome giveaway going on? Yea, they do!Fakoodle Giveaway -- If you are a local parent, you really should enter this giveaway. It includes goodies from another friend of the program, Taffy Print.Now we have a full load of fun on our horizon. Thanks to my friends at US Family Guide, we will be driving miniature cars at Races 2 U, hanging out at My Gym, and rocking out at Music Camp at Natural Ear.And this weekend I am so excited to head to Seaworld for AdventureCon'13. Fun at the park with the family, splashing at Aquatica, and great Blogger conferences? Um... yes, please!Adventure Con 13 Thanks to all the lovely folks that support my blog and provide so much fun to my family!On another note, I am having my blog redone -- stay tuned. It is going to gorgeous! And by the way, the same fabulous Amanda behind Fakoodle will be doing it.Finally, on a more serious note. I am taking the pledge with It Can Wait. No text is worth your life. Please join me and "X" the text!That is what's happening for my Wednesday. What's Happening for you?


Travel the World Thursday #3 -- Porto, Portugal


Wordless Wednesday #54 -- End of Year Memories