Blogtember -- Day 3

Today's prompt was pass on a piece of advice.At first, I thought I would be a little snarky and say something like "don't eat yellow snow" but chose otherwise.So here is my advice: don't give up. Don't do it. If you have a dream, fight for it. Stamp your feet for it. Care for it. Love it. I can give you no dream finally realized story here yet I still believe that you have to dream.So if your dream failed... and you can no longer fight for it, change it. This I can speak to. I had a dream but clearly it wasn't my destiny. This is a hard pill to swallow yet I am here trying to create a new dream; my new destiny.Am I there yet? No. So maybe that makes this crappy advice but I stand by it. You simply must have a dream.To live without a dream is to merely exist. So as Aerosmith sang so beautifully 40 years ago, "Dream On, dream on. Dream until your dream comes true".Thanks to Jenn for helping me to keep a dream alive.


30 Days of Photographs -- Day 6


30 Days of Photography -- Day 5