30 Days of Photographs -- Day 6

2 Birds and a Stone... Well, I didn't kill any winged creatures in the making of this post but here are two beautiful birds we met at the Houston Zoo.Day 6 - 2 BirdsNow you might be saying (because yes, in my head we have conversations...), "so Traci, I see two birds but what about that stone part?" And I say, just a second. Let's zoom...Day 6 -- Stone 1See it? Not so much? Well, let's zoom a little more...Day 6 - Stone 2See it now? No? Well, as my son would say... "wait for it, wait for it..."Day 6 - Stone 3See, I promised. In this giant aviary, there was one rock hanging out. I guess the Bob gods were looking out for me... After yesterday's mushroom disaster, I deserved a break.Take a break with Mike WJ from Too Many Mornings and Ziva of Ziva's Inferno and check out the other brave souls seeking out stoned birds.


Friday Fragments #12 -- Big Plans and Big Drama


Blogtember -- Day 3