Friday Fragments #12 -- Big Plans and Big Drama
So if getting back to school and schedule was creating enough fragments in my life, we made a big announcement. Next month, we are venturing to Disneyworld. In an RV. Yes, I said it... we are traveling from Austin, TX to Orlando, Floriida in an RV. This will be either be the trip of dreams or of nightmares. Either way, I should have lots of material for blogging. Since the announcement, my children have not stopped talking about the trip. Anytime we are in the car for more than ten minutes, the guide comes out and the planning begins.When discovering that the Animal Kingdom had a giant dinosaur sand pit, Little Diva exclaims "Could it get any better?" In fact, LD has fully committed to the trip, example A:Little Diva is holding out four coins (a quarter, two nickels and a penny).LD: I want to help pay for Disney.Me: Baby, you don't need to do that. This is our gift to you.LD: Yeah, but I want to pay. Not a lot. Just these four quarters.Note that only one was a quarter -- guess we need to work on that.Me: Okay, baby. But only if you want to...Ten minutes later, as if the previous conversation had not happened.LD: Mommy, I'm going to help pay for Disney.Me: You know you don't need to, sweetheart.LD: I want to, Mommy. It makes me feel more mature. And mature means more grown-up.Pretty sweet, huh? On a completely different, if still animated note. We have had a bit of Minecraft drama...
There was a new update to Minecraft on the X-Box. The following two conversations took place. My kids really need to take this game less seriously. (Of course, we don't call her Little Diva for nothing.)Sonny-Bunny: Baby, I think you have to do a tutorial. I'll do it for you.LD: What is a "torial"?SB attempts to assist her with an update and the tutorial. The following conversation continued...SB: It's not working. I think you need batteries for your remote.LD: This is stupid, stupid, stupid! And yes, I said STUPID!A little bit of context. We don't allow the kids to say "stupid" in our house. So she must have been really mad. So that is the fragmented drama and excitement around our place. Please check out Mrs. 4444 and the other Fragmented Fridays.