Friday Fragments #16

Hello Friday! Time to share a few fragments of my week.I can't start without noting the passing of Nelson Mandela. What an amazing man with a legacy bigger than the world itself.  He stands as inspiration to me to raise my aspirations. I want to live a life that is big and full but more, I want to leave the world a better place.Had I endured a life of racism and imprisonment, I fear I would been racked with rage or settled into depression. He did neither. Rather he chose love over hate and taught us all that we can change and by changing ourselves, change the world. God bless him. Heaven is so much brighter now.********************************************************************************************************************************************My daughter wants to hibernate...Really! She has become fascinated with bears and hibernating. She will collect little baggies or bowls of food to prepare. After meals, she will push her little tummy out and stroke it. She will the declare, "not big enough!"I'll ask, "why are you doing that?""I want to hibernate!""Why do you want to hibernate?" I continue."Because bears are lucky. They get to sleep all winter and not go to school!"********************************************************************************************************************************************And for those of you opposed to Elf on the Shelf, turn away now. We have never participated in the tradition before, but this year a little red fellow appeared in our world. His name is Jeffrey and the kids love waking up each morning to see where he is hiding next.

Elf Collage

Finally, I am hosting an Advent calendar based on many of my favorite Christmas movies.And that's my Friday Fragments. Check out other Frags over at Mrs. 4444s place, Half Past Kissin' Time.


Advent Calendar Day 6 - Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus


Jamba Juice is in the Holiday Mood