What's Happening -- Pollyanna Theatre Gift Certificate Givewaway (Closed)

You guys know I love, Love, LOVE Pollyanna Theatre Company. I have written of them many times. They are one of the BEST children's theatre companies I have ever seen and I have NEVER been disappointed by any of their shows. They are educational and fun. And by fun, I mean for all ages. And by all ages, I mean adults, too!
So when they told me that they were offering Gift Certificates this season, I was thrilled. Now the fun can be shared with family and friends while offering flexibility. Double win in my book!

Give the gift of theatre this holiday season by giving a PollyannaTheatre Company Gift Certificate.

Certificates can be redeemed for seats to see any of our three upcoming production on our 2013-2014 season. Purchase tickets nowand save! Certificates good for two tickets are just $15 and certificates for four tickets are only $30. We'll throw in thestocking, making this a super-simple gift giving option! Call us at (512) 743-7966 to purchase your certificates today.The children who receive your gift can use them to see SPRITES by Holly Hepp-Galvan in January,PLUS AND MINUS: THE VACATION ADVENTURE by Katherine Gee in Mayor PETER AND THE PIPER in July.More details about each upcoming production can be found on their website.


Now the kind folks at Pollyanna know how much I adore them and they want to share a set of two (2) gift certificates with my readers. That's enough for a family of four to attend one (1) of their shows for free or you two can see two! (See how I did that)  Woo to the Hoo!

And I love to keep my Giveaways pretty easy-peasy, so here goes... Basically I want you to "like" them as much as I do, so if you give them a "like" or follow, you are in like Flynn and if you want to like me too, well, there's a small bonus for that. What can I say? I hope "you like me, you like me, you really like me". Yeah, I know. One too many... Alas.

So enter and celebrate the holidays with a gift of theatre in the new year.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



What's Happening -- McDonald's Arch Card Giveaway (Closed)


Advent Calendar Day 6 - Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus