Wordless Wednesday #77 -- An Unexpected Day

Yesterday, Austin had it's second closure for snow/ice in a week. For those of you up North, this NEVER happens. We rarely have a snow day and two in a week,  hasn't ever happened as far as I know. Yesterday was also the four year anniversary of the passing of my father-in-law, AKA Bapu to my children. We all decided that Bapu wanted us to have a family day. So rather than tackling my To-Do List, we had an unexpected day.We read by the fire.

Unexpected 1(Boy, did it take a lot to get Sonny-Bunny to let me take his pic. Alas, 10-yr old boys!)

We had an impromptu tea party complete with "cake".

Unexpected Collage

I made pancakes and we played games. There were brownies and a lot of Disney channel. All in all a good day. So thanks, Bapu, and AISD for an unexpected day.

Check out other Wordless Wednesdays, starting with these folks. Happy Wednesday!