A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #21 -- Too Fragmented to Title

It's another Friday and I am definitely fragmented. I have had a set-back in my recovery. It seems I have a "resistant" form of pneumonia. Yep, that's me. Can't just do things the easy way, I have to be resistant. I am now on crazy strong antibiotics and hope to get back on the path to health.********************************************************************************************************************************************It has been a wild week with not one but two snow/ice day school cancellations which NEVER happens in Austin.********************************************************************************************************************************************There are some changes going on...My son's sense of humor has definitely moved into the tween arena. He has come to use the phrase "awkward", said in the sing-song way heard on TV shows far and wide (to my great chagrin). I said something to him (which honestly, I can't remember) that stimulated an awkward. But then he followed it with this which cracked me up. "Awkward... Episode Ten of the Awkward Show".He has also embraced YOLO (You Only Live Once).So, yep, I have a tween. Pray for me, people. On another note, I now know I can blame that on Drake and DeGrassi High. He was on SNL a couple of weeks ago and apologized for it which I thought was hilarious.  My sweet Sonny-Bunny boy, however, has not just changed his humor. He has started to be grumpy and moody. Please don't tell me that hormones are already at play. He's only ten. Almost every suggestion that doesn't involve Minecraft, his bike, or YouTube results in a pout or whine or worse. Suddenly he hates science which he always loved. I make foods he usually eats and he "hates' them. I can't keep up and my patience is seriously being tried! Moms of tween boys, any and all advice is appreciated.********************************************************************************************************************************************So are you fragmented today? What's "fragging" you up? Check out other frags over at Half Past Kissin' Time. Thanks again to the lovely Mrs. 4444s for hosting!