Come Play in May - Why I Write


This month, I am joining my gals Evin  and Shelley in a May challenge. Everyday (or almost) I will write based on the following prompts...

Come Play in May

Why I Write Wow! That’s a question to start this off with a bang, isn’t it? Why do I write? I think it changes daily. It waves in the wind of my changing emotions and mood. It can be to brag on my kids or bemoan the loss of their (my) innocence. It can be to share with the community that has buoyed me so through hard days.

It can be to scream “does anyone hear me?”

  But at its heart, it is an expression of my creative side that all too often feels lost. I am an artist at heart, but not one that can paint or sketch or sculpt or do anything that has lasting permanence. I am an actress and for that I need not just to perform but for someone to watch (which sounds weird but I do mean it in the most legitimate audience way; well, mostly legitimate).

A star is born…

  That’s how I became A Star in My Own Universe. I may not have a stage. I may not have a successful acting career yet  (a girl can hope) but here I am a star. My writing is my theatre but unlike my performances where I spent all my hours creating someone else, here, I am just myself. “For better or worse”, as they say, it’s just me.   You can join the challenge, too! Why do you write?


Friday Fragments #30


Wordless Wednesday #86 -- No Pictures Please