Friday Fragments #30


It's my 30th episode of Friday Fragments as we countdown to 300 for our host, Mrs. 4444!

This week, my Fragments are coming form multi-state travels. Since Monday, I have been to New York via Dallas and and back again. I got home at 8:30 pm on Wednesday night and flew to Atlanta yesterday morning. So I am more fragmented than usual.On Monday, I got to see "Rock of Ages" which so fun. But it also reminded me how much I miss performing. Seeing theatre is always a mixed bag for me. Despite the last decade of choosing motherhood over acting, I still struggle.  One day, I'll figure it out. (Fingers crossed!)Rock of Ages NYAs I was only home a few hours on Wednesday night, my kids are not pleased with me. This is especially true of Little Diva. In fact, it seems that I had an epic fail with my New York souvenir. I found a very cute Hello Kitty themed NY t-shirt and she hated it. She starts yelling "You think I like clothes????" Uh, yes.... I thought you liked clothes. "I don't like clothes!" Sorry, I didn't know that. "You should know! You should know your child!" Well, I do now. "I only want stuffed animals!" Ouch.Now before you think I am the worst mother in the world or have the brattiest child in the world, I know this is really her anger at my being gone. When she calmed down, she asked why I had to leave again. The fact that I am so rarely gone aside, I am having guilt. I just told her that it was important to me. This, however, was not satisfactory to either of us. Alas, it is always a struggle of balance. I hope that one day she will understand that I am trying to make our lives better; my life better. And that seeing me seek my happiness will help her seek her own.I can hope.Please go to Half Past Kissin' Time to join in the Fragmented Fun!


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