Friday Fragments #31- It's a Party!


Today is the day!!! Our friend, Mrs. 4444 over at Half Past Kissin' Time has been hosting Friday Fragments for over five years and today is her 300th installment. Woo Hoo!For those of you who have never visited Half Past Kissin' Time, Mrs. 4444 is a very supportive blogger and has very loyal participation in this meme. Many of us return week after week and I have made a lot of FF friends. Also, you have to read the sweet story behind the name.


And for those of you who read last week's installment, I am home from the travels. Mom 2.0 Summit was amazing but after the New York trip, re-entry was hard. I did better on the souvenir purchase, however. If you want to know what gift will not produce an epic melt-down from Little Diva, it's this...

SW Doll

Guess I do know her, after all.Speaking of Little Diva, she said the sweetest thing. We got a bunch of roses for her teacher (it's Teacher Appreciation Week). She was holding them and said, "Roses are delightful!" I love that she used the word delightful. She then furthered, "the stem is daunting. That's how they protect themselves." Where does she get this stuff?


My Sonny-Bunny seems to be bouncing back from all the testing stress. Of course, a visit to his grandparents where he came home with a new X-Box game may have helped. Seriously, though, we had a long talk about letting out his emotions and not holding stuff in. I hope that I am starting to reach him, I don't want him to be like me.With that I have decided to stop saying, "I don't have time for this." I realized that I say it a lot. I realized that I am not helping my stress level and I am not modeling stress management for my kids. So there you go - I have time for this. Or if I don't, I won't say it!


So join the Fragmented Fun over at Half Past Kissin' Time and wish her congrats!


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