Come Play in May -- Letter to My Future Self


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Today's prompt was to write a letter to my future self.


Dear Traci,Today you live up to the moniker Star. Today life has revealed itself with your purpose. Don't forget the hard work that got you here and don't forget the questions that began this journey.Or maybe you haven't. Maybe the journey still seems long and hard. Maybe you're in the middle of the tunnel with no light from either end.


Life doesn't stop when you hit an obstacle nor does it stop when you reach a goal. That is what these crazy years were meant to teach you.That said, enjoy the kids. They are growing up faster than you think. Realize that all the work was for the family so don't lose sight of them trying to get to the next big thing.


You are here for a reason. All the quirkiness and sentimentality that you sometimes try to hide are a part of that reason. You can't do what you're here to do if you are not being who you were meant to be. So be yourself and live fully.Stay strong and enjoy your life. I am working very hard for it.Love,Your old self


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