A Star in My Own Universe

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I Don't Care How Old I Am, I'm Gonna

I love today's prompt from Axis of Ineptitude. "I don't care how old I am, I'm gonna..."1) Eat soft serve ice cream and insist on making it all the way down to the cone despite how much it's dripping all over me. The ice cream in the cone is the best and absolutely worth the mess!qpUPJu14024393772) Sing along loudly to every song I love whether it's Disney, disco, or show tunes.3) I'm going to swing and play at playgrounds, especially if this one is involved.Playground4) I'm going to take goofy pictures.Goofy pic5) I'm going to play in the rain.6) Lick the icing off the cupcake before eating it (though ironically, I will always eat the Oreo whole).7) Wear my heart on my sleeve. I know that as we grow, we are expected to become reserved even jaded but I am never able to hide my feelings.8) I'm going to learn new things. I am 42 (almost 43) and have two masters degrees but I am still in school. I never want to stop learning.9) I'm going to lie on my back and look at the sky. 10) I am going to eat Tootsie Rolls. Best candy ever!What keeps you a Peter Pan? Come share it with us.