Wordless Wednesday #93 -- A Day at AdventureCon in Pictures


This past weekend was AdventureCon and here is a look at our day.Cool KidsMy two cool kids at the Roa's Aviary - I managed to camera shy boy in this one but no smile.My two handsome menWhich is more than U can say for their photo resistant Daddy.There was friendship...Friends CollageHere she is with two of my friend Priscilla's boys. I am calling this one Little Diva and Friends -- stay tuned for local listings as this will definitely be a TV show. :-)AdventureCon14 CollageAnd here I am with Priscilla herself (aka Wheelchair Mommy) as well as sunglasses and one of the greatest groups of people I have ever shared a conference room with!My son had a ride buddy, btw, but they were too busy riding the Steel Eel to get their pictures taken.Shamu Express CollageAnd speaking of roller coasters, guess who rode Shamu Express solo for the first time.Animal CollageFinally, we can't forget the animals. In fact, I fell in love with that fellow on the right so much, he got a video! That's our day. Do you have a day to share? Axis of Ineptitude Friends Shelley and Evin asked me to share mine. Either way, post your Wordless Wednesday pic here!


Friday Fragments #36 -- Summer Music


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