Share the Love #5 - Crazy Adventures in Parenting
It's Saturday and Priscila the Wheelchair Mommy and I would like to welcome you to Share the Love. It's an opportunity to spotlight a favorite blogger . As we were at AdventureCon14 last week, we paused but not for long. There were so many bloggers to choose from in that crew, let me tell you! Today I chose my friend Lisa Douglas from Crazy Adventures in Parenting. Lisa has the right to claim Crazy Adventures. She is a military wife and parent to seven -- yes, SEVEN! My husband an I feel outnumbered by two. Here she is with the brood.
She shares the humor that comes from those adventures like this one - a favorite post of mine "This is Why My Husband isn't Allowed to Pack Sack Lunches Anymore".
She is about to make another move as a part of military life so I'm sure there will be more Adventures to come. Sadly, though, this will take her further away from me.So that's a glimpse of why I love Lisa and Crazy Adventures in Parenting. Do you have a blogger for whom you would like to Share the Love. Join Us!
The rules are VERY Simple! Share a post (past or present) that you have written about another blogger. It can NOT be about you!Link back to The Wheelchair Mommy @ and The Star @ your link to the link-up.Visit someone NEW!That’s it!