A Star in My Own Universe

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Share the Love #9 -- Dallas Single Mom

sharethelove[4]It's Saturday again? Wow! Where did that week go? It's been fast but too fast to take a moment to celebrate another blogger. My friend Priscilla and I are sharing the love again today. We are still swimming in all the friends we made at AdventureCon and today I loving on Heather AKA Dallas Single Mom.Heather is as bright as her smile. She writes about the realities of life as a single parent, eating healthy, and living in the city of Dallas. She, like so many fellow AdventureCon bloggers, is supper supportive in person and on-line. I love it when bloggers out there rocking it hold out their hand to others and Heather definitely does that.Please check her out! Have a blogger you love?The rules are VERY Simple!

  • Share a post (past or present) that you have written about another blogger. It can NOT be about you!
  • Link back to The Wheelchair Mommy @ www.wheelchairmommy.com and The Star @ http://box5437.temp.domains/~astarinm
  • Add your link to the link-up.
  • Visit someone NEW!
  • That’s it!

Join us on Saturdays and Share the Love!!!