A Star in My Own Universe

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What's Happening -- USFG and Studio Movie Grill; The Review

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I was provided a set of four passes to Studio Movie Grill by US Family Guide for the purpose of this review. The opinions are all mine. It is my Universe, after all.

Thanks to my friends at US Family Guide, I was able to treat my family to a Sunday afternoon at the Studio Movie Grill in Copperfield, TX.From the start, I was impressed by the facility. It has a sleek and modern look. When we got our tickets, we were shown a seat map and actually reserved the seats. I loved that! We were able to choose four seats in a row on an aisle -- that is a win!Almost immediately after being seated, we were approached by our waiter. He was polite and took our order promptly. I ordered the Margherita pizza which I shared with my mother. We both enjoyed the pizza and I was frankly surprised at how good it was. There was a little bump in the road when I ordered my popcorn. The movie had already begun so I had to whisper. Even though I asked for no butter, I was given buttered popcorn. I pushed my button, however, and within a couple of moments, another waitress came and replaced the popcorn quickly and nicely.On the whole, I found it a good experience. I like the large chairs and as a busy family, the combining of dinner with a movie has REAL value. The prices are comparable to any mid-price family restaurant. I would definitely go again.A big thanks to US Family Guide and Studio Movie Grille for a lovely opportunity and a terrific afternoon with family!