I'm Giving Forward

Give Forward asked me to write this Sponsored Post in support of their Fundraising Campaign. I was happy to do so.All opinions are mine. It is my Universe, after all.


I have always hoped that my life would mean something; that I will have improved the world in some way. With that in mind, I have hoped that my blog would brighten the world a little. Rather than cursing the darkness, I try to light a candle or two. So when Give Forward approached me about this project, I didn't think twice about saying yes.Give ForwardGive Forward is an organization that rallies around those in need whether it is a newlywed couple recovering from the Boston Marathon bombing or an 8-year old girl bravely fighting cancer. They provide an easy path to creating fundraisers and a secure system for donation. There is a large support system to those fundraisers, as well, especially when certain campaigns capture their attention.And this one did!We all have heard about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge - a fun way that many of us engaged and embraced the ALS community. A tremendously popular and positive movement, it is hard to believe that it could be used as a form of bullying. But it was in a most vile way. A few high schoolers in Bay Village, OH convinced a 15-year old autistic classmate that he was participating in the challenge. Instead, they poured a bucket filled with urine and spit on him. And if that weren't terrible enough, they posted the video on Instagram.I do not have words for how disgusted I am.The rage felt by the parents must have been overwhelming. Rather than allowing it to remain a negative, the family is sharing their story hoping to fight bullying in all communities. In honor of this sweet boy, a fundraiser has begun to support him and his family.  I know we are all pulled many directions and our wallets can feel very stretched. If you can contribute anything, however, I know it would be appreciated. More so, though, you can leave words of love and support for this young man. From the Give Forward page:

Let's rally behind the 14-year-old boy from the ALS Ice Bucket challenge prank in Bay Village to let him know that he is awesome. #Love>Hate
In Bay Village, Ohio three teens challenged one of their fellow students, a fourteen-year-old boy with Autism to take the ALS Ice bucket challenge. But instead of ice water, the teens dumped a bucket off the roof of a house filled with urine, spit and feces on the teen. Here is the video.  [warning it is graphic and disturbing] NO ONE deserves to be treated like this. It's incredibly brave that he has decided to share his story.  Let's rally together to show him that we we're all behind him and that we think he is awesome.  The money we raise will go directly to his family, but far more important than any financial contribution, please leave words of support on his GiveForward page so that he knows that he's not alone in this fight. The goal is 1000 comments on this page Lastly, love only triumphs if we all share it. So... If you believe that this young man is awesome and you want to let him know, please share this with your friends on Facebook. If you've ever been bullied or know someone who has been bullied, please share this with your friends on Facebook. If you believe that tolerance is something you want to put your name behind, please share this with your friends on Facebook. If in your heart, you believe that LOVE is bigger than HATE, please share this with your friends on Facebook. #Love>Hate

So I am choosing #Love>Hate.  I am sharing his story because I think it's important. Bullying cannot survive without Bystanders. I am standing with this young man and his family and standing against Bullying.  I am happy to say that  Bay Village did the same thing.

  Whether you give today at Give Forward or simply click the support button, I hope you will help me say that Bullying is not okay. I am not a Bystander. I am here to say that Love always beats Hate and I am going to show this boy he is loved! #Love>HateAgain, you can find the Fundraiser here.


GiveForward is the world's #1 fundraising site for helping people in need. We help people come together and give support when they need it most. Since 2008, we have helped families raise over 120 million to help cover their expenses during hard times or honor the people that they care about.


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