What's Happening Wednesday #46
It's Wednesday and here's What's Happening!Today, I am over at Live Mom sharing my attempt seeing the bats emerge from under the S. Congress bridge.
I've really enjoyed my experiences as part of the Austin Bucket List. Thanks Live Mom for including me!
Have you heard of GENAustin? Well, I hadn't but recently they approached me and I am SOOOO glad they did! As a mother of a daughter and simply as a woman, I am excited by organizations looking to empower the next generation. From their website:
EmpowermentGENaustin helps girls realize their personal power to make courageous, responsible choices and stand by their choices with confidence and dignity.
Pretty awesome, right? And on Saturday, November 15th, they are hosting a conference for girls called "We Are Girls".
What is We Are Girls?GENaustin’s We Are Girls Conference is a statewide annual event that helps girls explore the issues of bullying, body image and being a girl. Skill-building workshops and dynamic presentations are offered on topics including creating healthy relationships, building financial and media literacy, enhancing parent-daughter relationships and increasing positive body image, health, and wellness. Designed especially for girls in grades 3-12 and the adults who care about them, We Are Girls connects individuals with questions to the experts who have the answers.
I am so excited about this. They were gracious enough to invite Little Diva and me. I hope you will consider joining us. Tickets are $30and scholarships are offered. The payoff could be a more confident daughter! Thanks GENAustin for the invite and what your doing for Austin girls!***So that's What's Happening in my world, What's Happening with you?