A Star in My Own Universe

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January Challenge -- Transform

 Butterfly flightAs this first month of the year comes to a close (BTW, how did that happen? I'm still writing 2014 everywhere), it seems appropriate to look at what it is to transform. My son would immediately start talking about Optimus Prime or Bumblebee. But for me, I think of many Januaries when I tried to transform myself and failed.Transform creates an image of the butterfly breaking free from the cocoon she made as a caterpillar. I imagine her working her wings until finally, she takes flight. And I have spent a lifetime feeling like the overfed caterpillar waiting to break out and take to the skies.I have always loved the spirit of the New Year. I embrace the thought of a turned page, now fresh and white ready to be written on. Every year I just knew would be "the" year - the year that I become the person I should be; the year that I transform.I have come late to the realization that I am transformed in a million little ways that have nothing to do with Vision Boards, gratitude journals, or Tony Robbins.I transformed as I became a wife. To agree to share one's life with another is a huge thing. And like the Michael Buble song "Haven't Met You Yet" goes, his love has changed me.I transform daily as a mother. It is cliche but it is also true that you never know what you're capable of until you are faced with the challenge. I am stronger, wiser, and happier because of my children. I am also way more exhausted! But each day, I learn from them in unexpected ways.I am transformed by my friends. I am blessed extraordinarily in this area. I have a tribe that strengthens me. I have friends who shape me and help me grow. Just as a growing plant needs supports to hold its vulnerable stalk, they buoy me.I decided this year that I would avoid my usual pitfalls of new books and new routines in an effort to transform. I realize I am not a caterpillar. I have broken through the cocoon.  I am the butterfly. I am just a butterfly still learning to fly. I am transformed.