A Star in My Own Universe

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Star Reviews -- Crunch!

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The following post includes affiliate links. The opinions are mine. It is my Universe, after all.


Do you have picky eaters? I do! Like CRAZY, ridiculously picky, picky eaters! So when I heard about Dr. Orlena Kerek and her book and course Crunch, I was all in.picky eaters, nutritionDr. Kerek is a pediatrician from the UK who specializes in nutrition. Early in the book, I knew I was going to like her and the book. Unlike many preachy, "I know everything and you're doing everything wrong" books, she said this, "The only time you have all the answers to parenting problems is before you actually have children." Is that speaking the truth or what?We all want our children to eat well and many of us struggle. I had an especially difficult challenge as I have a child who belies the old "kids won't starve themselves" adage. A few years ago, my oldest fell off the weight chart. I was trying to switch to healthier food which he did not like and he basically stopped eating. Since then, I have always straddled the desire for him to eat better and making sure he eats at all.

And it's this attitude that I love -- "If you eat sensibly, nothing is forbidden in moderation. But moderation is the key." In short, this book is a frank and informative look at better eating for children. The no judgment, no-nonsense tone made it easily readable. And the ebook is only $15!Now, if you think you need a little more help than a book, there are tiered course packages. The prices range for $30 to $495 depending on how much personal interaction you want. I think this is an unique offering.Have questions? Check out her site here. I think you'll be glad you did.