You get one life, why not star in it?

Eating After 7 PM - Time to Eat
I chose this journey for its flexibility and an acceptance of what I could and would do in my real life, not some candy-colored fake life wherein I wear white without stains and never have roots and am IG ready at all times.

Always Eat After 7 PM - Let's Get Cooking
I have de-cluttered and redesigned my house and trying to do the same for my health. Three weeks ago, I started on a journey with Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion.

Eating After 7 PM - First Steps
Sponsored: I’ve been busy learning how many of those things we all “know”, we don’t really know and unlearning a HUGE number of food myths that have been lessening the value of my food when it comes to energy and being the healthiest I can be.

Focus Safety at the DFW Auto Show
Kudos to Toyota. Few things are more frustrating than listening to how safe a car is only to learn that I can't afford the "options". The safety of my family is not an option. It's standard & I'm happy to learn that Toyota agrees.

Unique Wood Watches: A Gorgeous Conversational Piece
REVIEW - Whether it's nostalgic style or just the ingrained behavior of a non-millennial who remembers life before cell phones, I love watches. And I am really in love with my new Jord watch.

Cruising into the DFW Auto Show with Safety on my Mind
This is the year my son learns to drive. Insert gulp here. And with that is a bevy of thoughts all centering around safety. With my mind spinning, it seemed no better time than to join my girlfriends at A Girl's Guide to Cars in visiting the 2019 DFW Auto show. We will be getting first-hand insight to the latest & greatest vehicles features and you know that my ears will be fully perk-ed with every safety option!

We Had a Block Party…
I was sent a fabulous party kit that included must-have sodas like A&W, Sunkist, and Canada Dry. It also provided plenty of carving kits, trick-or-treat bags, and these fabulous light-up cups.