A Date to Remember - Gifting a Star Map


Certain times and places are engraved in my mind - my first date with my husband,  the birthdays of my children, my husband's birthday and our wedding. Yesterday was my husband's birthday - the 30th (yes, 3-0) that I have celebrated with him.birthday, modernmapart, star map, love, anniversary, gift, sponsored

💖💖Gosh, he's cute!💖💖

We have grown up together adding four cities to our life map and picking up two human travelers (and countless four-legged) along the way. To honor our decades of literal and metaphorical travels together, I got an absolutely beautiful Star Map celebrating another special date -- our anniversary.

I received a beautiful map from ModernMapArt or the purpose of this review.The opinions are all mine. It is my Universe, after all.

ModernMapArt, Star map, love, anniversary, birthday, gift This incredible piece of art captures how the stars aligned on our wedding date in the city we married. How cool, right?!?! And below the date are the vows I spoke to my husband, I can't take credit for them - they were Shakespeare's long before mine but they captured well what I felt that day and even now. In case, the script doesn't translate, here are the words courtesy of Hamlet. II, ii.

Doubt thou the stars are fire,Doubt that the sun doth move,Doubt truth to be a liar, But neverdoubt I love.

And indeed, I do love. I still love my husband and I love this art. It is on a high-quality paper that came rolled, without creases and it framed beautifully. Our bedroom has a shabby-chic look to it and this frame made the perfect finish bringing the clean, modern look into my vintage style.I am very thankful to Modern Map Art for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all the dates in my life and the love that sits at the heart of any constellation above me.I hope you will give them a visit and consider them as you look forward to your holiday gift buying. They offer many maps as art offerings but by far, my favorite is the customizable star map. They will walk you through creating art that is as lovely in meaning as it is decorative.


Memorializing a Moment in Canvas


I Remember What I Treasure