Cruising into the DFW Auto Show with Safety on my Mind
This is the year my son learns to drive. Insert gulp here. And with that is a bevy of thoughts. Is our current car the right car for a new driver? Is it safe? You know, "safe enough for Momma"-safe. Can we afford the insurance? Do we need a new car? And back again to safety. My son will be on the road very soon, toosoon for this momma's heart.
Do you have teens on the road?
With my mind spinning, it seemed no better time than to join my girlfriends at A Girl's Guide to Cars in visiting the 2019 DFW Auto show. We will be getting first-hand insight to the latest & greatest vehicles features and you know that my ears will be fully perk-ed with every safety option!
***FULL DISCLOSURE: This post is written in partnership with A Girl’s Guide to Cars. All opinions are my own. It is my Universe, after all. ****
So next week, I will head up the good, old I-45 to Dallas with my questions. To get these answers first hand, I am happy to make the drive. And doing it alongside some of the most in-the-know crew of A Girl's Guide to Cars will make it all the more fun!

Eyes Wide Open for the Best Safety Features
Follow along with me as I learn what's best for my family and for my - BIG GULP -- newest driver. And if you want to join me, here are the important details:
2019 DFW Auto Show
Time and Place
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
650 S. Griffin St.
Dallas, TX 75202
Wednesday: 4:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Thursday – Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
$14 for adults | $7 for children (6 – 12 years) | $7 for seniors (65 and older) $10 for
Cash or card only.
Varies by location -- $10 and $15.
$1 off regular admission coupons are available at participating franchised new car dealerships
Wait! There's More...
Contest Rules
Contest rules: Entries must be completed by midnight March 27, 2019. No purchase necessary; contest open only to US residents 18 and older and subject to the laws of Texas. Winners will be notified by email by March 28, 2018. Winners MUST pick up tickets in person at the DFW Auto Show, Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, at 650 S Griffin St, Dallas, TX 75202 between March 28, 2019, and March 31, 2019. Winners may be asked to provide identification to receive their prize. Prize value $30 per prize, not exchangeable for cash or other items. Grand prize value is $130. A total of 10 pairs of tickets will be awarded and a total of 1 grand prize will be awarded.
In case you need any further inspiration, here's one of my favorite moments from a previous auto show.
Now you know you want to come. See you there!