My Obituary


loss, obituary, family, loveYears ago, I envisioned my obituary. It was not too long after my brother died and I was a driven 25 year old headed to grad school. I imagined a list of accomplishments and awards. It would take up multiple columns and a lot of ink. (Of course, this was when newspapers were the epitome of information dispersement.) This large plot of paper real estate was evidence of a successful life to me.This past week, we laid my 87 year old grandmother to rest. She had no letters after her name or positions she had held listed. No world records or "1st"s to her name. Instead, her obituary was filled with a list of people that loved her and claimed her as their own. Typed on Word before making it to the press, the list took an entire page of the family she created, either by birth, marriage, or simply love.Wow! Now that is a life well lived.I may never have a mantle filled with gold statues or a three column obit with a list of titles and awards. It isn't that I don't still want to make my mark or achieve great things. I still have dreams for my life, my Universe. If, however, I can fill a page with people that I have loved well, I shall have truly lived. 


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