A Star in My Own Universe

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Five Years of Shining Bright

Five years ago today, I introduced my Universe. After a year blogging over at 38 and Growing, I made the decision to keep blogging. I guess it was pretty clear I didn't think I would blog for very long as I put my age in the title. When the big 39 came into view, I contemplated what the next step would be. My journey had been to reconcile the beautiful life I got with the plans and ideas I had made. Being a military wife and SAHM was not on the vision board. With a friend's help, I came to A Star in My Own Universe. The idea behind the name was simple. I might not be a star on Broadway or on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but here, I am a star.anniversary, blogiversary, blogging, 5 yearsThe idea grew. What is it to star in one's own life? I had spent a lot of years playing by others' scripts and I wanted to write my own story. And if I felt that way, maybe there were others like me. That was the big picture.Well, five years later, I am looking back and looking forward. I still believe in starring in my own life and sharing the idea with others. I believe that we get second, even third or fourth acts in our lives. And I have shared that here. I have also shared a lot of pictures of my kids, fun stuff going on in Austin, and my favorite thrift finds. Basically, this blog has been as scattered as I am. Over the last year, I have been trying to define what it is I do here. I have tried to be less scattered. I have tried to shape my posts based on all the blogging advice out there (much of which is very good, btw). But I realized something. It was paralyzing my writing and it was not me.I talked about it last week. I considered closing the blog but that's not what I want. I just want to get back to blogging for fun and growth. So that's the plan. This is my Universe and I am the star, even if that star is goofy, scattered, and weird.Here's to the next five!