What's Happening -- The Little Mermaid, The Review
Last week, I shared our excitement over Lexus Broadway Across America bringing Disney's "The Little Mermaid" to Bass Concert Hall in Austin. Well, I am over the moon (if not under the sea) to tell you that we were not disappointed. I won't bury the lead -- the production is so wonderful!Little Diva came ready for a special evening. She donned her mermaid best.
To say her expectations were high would be an understatement. Fortunately, this lush production met them all. The strong cast is anchored beautifully by Alison Woods as Ariel. With very big fins to fill (Okay, I'm done with the underwater puns), her voice soared and carried all the beauty of our favorite songs. And yes, all the wonderful music from the film is included, plus several more.Wondering if the undersea world carried onstage? Yes, oh yes. Utilizing the fly system, Ariel floated and swam with grace across the stage. Words don't do it justice -- it really is worth seeing. The set pieces were gorgeous as the various locales were shaped and re-shaped. Dancers create various plant and fish life moving in the waves. And speaking of dancers, this cast was superb. Among the added songs was "Positoovity". In a greatly expanded role, the malaprop-ridden Scuttle leads a tap chorus to cheer for. In fact, several characters have evolved including a love sick Flounder. Ursula is evil as always and performed beautifully by Jennifer Allen. Her two eel-y sidekicks light up the stage on roller skates. I am loathe to share all I enjoyed because there were many surprises.All in all, it was a lovely evening for Little Diva and me. I think this picture says it all.
If you have an Ariel-lover in your family, I definitely recommend it. You can still catch a show this weekend.
WHO: Lexus Broadway in Austin presented by Texas Performing ArtsWHAT: Premiere of The Little MermaidWHEN: September 29 – October 4, 2015Tuesday – Friday at 8 p.m.; Saturday at 2 p.m & 8 p.m.; Sunday at 1 p.m. & 7 p.m.WHERE: Bass Concert Hall / 2350 Robert Dedman Drive / Austin, TXTICKETS: Start at $35. Tickets are available at BroadwayinAustin.com, the Bass Concert Hall box office, all Texas Box Office Outlets, by phone at (512) 477-6060. For groups of 10 or more, call (877) 275-3804 or email Austin.groups@broadwayacrossamerica.com.