Friday Fragments #15
Welcome to Friday Fragments. If you haven’t fragged before, Friday Fragments is a place to share those thoughts, quips, and tidbits that don’t quite make a whole post, e.g. fragments or frags. I host every Friday and would love for you to join in. Please link up and visit other Fraggers.
It's October! I love October when the air starts to get crisper. Since we are back in Texas, crisp is what we hope for, cool is a luxury. But it is usually beautiful weather this time of year and I adore all things pumpkin. If that weren't enough, my almost 12 year-old son was born in the month!Yes! My boy -- who tried to come too early, who still likes to cuddle, and won't eat his vegetables -- that boy, will be 12. Insert flashback reel here. He is, as most 12 year olds are, obsessed with gaming and the YouTubers that speak about gaming. Lately, he has chosen to tell me all about these games and gamers. Part of me wants to set my hair on fire, I'm not going to lie. But the other part realizes that he still cares to tell me about what is important to him and that is a gift! He won't always want to tell me everything so I am soaking it all up.
Now, if you have read my recent frags, you might notice a trend. More and more, I find that music is defining my age to me. It usually happens when I am driving alone and singing along to a favorite. Based on last week, I guess I should call it an oldie but goodie. In this case, it was "1999" by Prince. The song was made in 1982 about the world ending in 2000, therefore, we should "party like it was 1999". Life was just a party and parties weren't meant to last. I was 11. I had no idea how to party beyond a sleepover that involved playing "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board" and staying up past the national anthem being played before the station cut off at 1:30.At the time, Prince was in his purple god-ness and another 17 years of life seemed plenty to me. I mean, who would want to live past their 20s anyway? Turns out this girl, that's who. Now I'm singing a 33 year old song about the world ending 15 years ago and can't help but enjoy the irony. In the years between I have survived many an End Days, including last week's Blood Moon (which I couldn't see, by the way - #disappointed). I suspect that I shall survive a few more. Until the real one, I'll keep partying like it's 1999.
Speaking of singing along in the car, Little Diva and I took a road trip to see "A Little Mermaid". I took a lot of time preloading her CDs into the car. When I went to play them, however, she asked me to turn the radio off."Why?" I ask."I just want to talk to you," she answered.And that's what we did.Precious moments that go way too fast. I don't know if I believe in a big "end of the world" but I know my time as a mother to young children has an expiration date. It may not always be a party but it is meant to last.
That's this week's frags. Did you have a reason to sing this week?