Friday Fragments #18


Friday Fragments with Star2Welcome to Friday Fragments. If you haven’t fragged before, Friday Fragments is a place to share those thoughts, quips, and tidbits that don’t quite make a whole post, e.g. fragments or frags. I host every Friday and would love for you to join in. Please link up and visit other Fraggers.


To start, I will no longer root for any team in the baseball playoffs because I seem to be bad luck. Two weeks ago, I cheered on the Astros and then they were eliminated. Last week, I decided I would then throw my love to the Cubs. We know how that went. Sorry guys. I was thinking good thoughts for you on Back to the Future Day.


It's been a crazed seven days. I have seen my son turn 12, visited giraffes and fended off a zebra (more on that to come), spent overdue time with family, and made two roundtrips to the VA with hubby. I received good word on my nuclear stress test and have an echocardiogram today (prayers would be appreciated). Exhausting? Yes.Hubby and I did squeeze in a matinee between doc appointments. I cannot tell you how long it has been since we saw a grownup movie. We saw "Crimson Peak". It's beautifully shot and well acted but a little bit slow for my taste.


I love it when my kids create their own words. Sonny-Bunny made up one this week . He was asking about divorce -- no, not us, just general questions. He was trying to describe the moment when the couple breaks up and he said "divorsion". I think he combined division and divorce. Makes a little sense, actually.


Speaking of words, Little Diva asked me what superpower I would like to have. I thought about it and I decided that besides not needing sleep (which all parents want), I would like to be able to speak any language. How cool would it be to understand and converse anywhere? I've studied French on and off for years. I have never been able to do anything more than read Le Petit Prince.Since the superpower is not likely, I will continue to listen to my daughter's CD that teaches her to say hello in multiple languages. Hola. Bonjour. Aloha. Kon'nichiwa.Buongiorno.


Finally, if you read last week's Frags, I mentioned we were headed to see "Goosebumps". We had so much fun. The film did a great job of incorporating many of the best known Goosebump characters with a lot of humor. I was a little worried about Little Diva. She has been scared by a couple of the TV episodes. The film did not frighten her at all. Instead, she talked all day about what a great movie it was. I give it a "Siskel and Ebert" style thumbs-up.That's my frags for the week. What does your Friday hold for you? I wish you all a wonderful week. Until then... Adios. Adieu. Aloha. Sayonara. Arrivederci.


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