What's Happening Wednesday #56

WHW  It's Wednesday and here's What's Happening...


This week, time is flying at the Long Center with Strings of Time. Check out the dance extravaganza combining science and metaphysics to celebrate the birth of the universe.


One of the most innovative dance companies in Austin is moving! They will be homed with Balance Dance Studios. Both companies see this as a natural fit.

Community is central to our mission. We’re committed to bringing the Austin dance community together as a whole. Teaming up and sharing space with Tapestry, who are internationally known and respected as one of the top professional dance companies in the world is an honor for us and a huge opportunity for our students to learn and grow. We couldn’t be happier.-Kathy Dupuy, co-founder and owner of Balance Dance Studios

The move reflects the changing landscape of Austin and its rapid growth but Tapestry Dance Company founder Acia Gray and Executive Director Etta Sanders see the move as opportunity. “By sharing space with a property owner that is dedicated to dance, we have found the security that will allow us to focus on our mission as well, ‘sharing the power of dance through performance and education’,” says Sanders.I want to wish both Tapestry and Balance terrific success in this new partnership.


So that's what's happening here, what's happening in your Wednesday? Both Tapestry and Balance classes will continue as scheduled. Bravo at Balance will also continue monthly showcases for students at Balance as well as other Austin area performance companies. 


Friday Fragments #18


Wordless Wednesday #147 - Celebrate!