A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #20

Friday Fragments with Star2Welcome to Friday Fragments. If you haven’t fragged before, Friday Fragments is a place to share those thoughts, quips, and tidbits that don’t quite make a whole post, e.g. fragments or frags. I host every Friday and would love for you to join in. Please link up and visit other Fraggers.


Whew! We are one week into November and I don't know about you but I am just trying to catch my breath. I have played catch-up since Halloween. Speaking of Halloween, I hope you all had a great one. We did! I won't double share but if you missed our pics, you can find a few here.Many of you wished me luck with my hair so I thought I'd share. Here is a before and after:kool-aid, hair, hair colorThe blue was light - more aqua, really -- and only caught my highlights. It was a little more visible in person but definitely not the luscious blue of Ghoulia. Alas. It was fun to try. Unfortunately, now that it is fading, my hair has a green tinge and looks like I went swimming in a chlorine pool and forgot to rinse. I'm tempted to use a more vibrant color like a purple to cover the few sections that still have it. At least, then, it looks like a color and not an accident -- LOL! My hairdresser is going to be very frustrated with me but my daughter was very happy. Therefore, I think I'll still put this in the win column.


Maybe it was the post candy high let down or something in the air but we have had trouble gaining any traction this week. The homeschooling has been a struggle everyday. The kids have fought. My daughter had an epic meltdown day. Frankly, it was a hard week. I shared more here. We are hitting the reset button today and heading out to the Children's Museum. With the travels being on pause, I think a little cabin fever has taken hold and we need to get back to exploring, even if closer to home.


This week, my friend Priscilla, aka Wheelchair Mommy, and I started a recurring #BLAB show. We are living out our talk show dreams weekday mornings at 9:00 am CST. It's called Coffee with Priscilla and Traci. We'd love to have you swing by. We talk or blab, if you will, for the first 15-20 minutes and then open up the seats for friends to join us. It's been a lot of fun!


Finally, it is movie day for the Star Family. My MIL has been gracious enough to take the family out tonight. We are long time James Bond fans and we are seeing Spectre! Woot! Little Diva is not interested (and a little young) so she is headed to "Peanuts" with her aunt. I already told her to prepare to see it a second time because I am definitely seeing that! :-)


What kind of week have you had? Are you seeing any movies this weekend? Whatever you do, I hope you have a great one!