Friday Fragments #23


Friday Fragments with Star2

Welcome to Friday Fragments. If you haven’t fragged before, Friday Fragments is a place to share those thoughts, quips, and tidbits that don’t quite make a whole post, e.g. fragments or frags. I host every Friday and would love for you to join in. Please link up and visit other Fraggers.
Happy Friday everyone! I hope all my American readers had a terrific Thanksgiving.  I am thoroughly stuffed even this morning after. My SIL and brother were kind enough to make a beautiful spread and I definitely had my fill of turkey, stuffing,  and cranberry sauce. In fact, I had more than my fill -- not leaving room for the pies I brought. All the better for breakfast today, right?
Are you a Black Friday shopper? When I was a teen and it hadn't become the Hunger Games of shopping, I did some with my mom. Now I leave it to Katniss and the other tributes to bargain sales. I might do some online shopping, but otherwise, I will stick to leftovers and beginning the Christmas movie season. Let me know if you get any good deals.
I can't let the day pass without wishing my parents a happy 47th anniversary! They are a great inspiration to me of love and commitment. Way to go, Mom and Dad!
We watched the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special last night. I love watching the Peanuts with the kids! My son informed me that he really likes the Thanksgiving episode, especially with the 1994-partner episode "This is America, Charlie Brown: The Mayflower Voyagers". If you've not seen the latter, it is a terrific home school resource. The Peanuts gang tell the tale of the Mayflower in very accurate detail while still being fun. It is part of a larger series wherein other pivotal historical events are re-enacted by Snoopy and his pals.
Speaking of the Peanuts gang, I am a sucker for the Christmas special. This is the 50th anniversary and evidently, they are airing a special episode on Tuesday called, "It's Your 50th Christmas, Charlie Brown". It seems the producers weren't so sure that it would be the hit it became. Can't wait to watch!
Finally, it is the beginning of the holiday season and I am ready to get decorating. I love Christmas and will begin my month of carols, cocoa, and garland with gusto. I don't get caught up in red cups and other drama. I wish everyone a very happy season of their respective holy days.  May we all be blessed and safe and happy.
That's my Thanksgiving frags. How was your week? Are you shopping today or working on a second round of turkey?