A Star in My Own Universe

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Total Eclipse of the Blog

eclipseI've been blogging for eight years and it used to be everything to me. It was my solace and my community. But lately, I have found myself fighting to post. Frankly, life has been too big lately. My health has been rocky. We have struggled with back to school. Money... well, money is money. All the things I used to share here, I have hidden away in my heart and avoided typing with too many games of Plants vs. Zombies 2. Seriously. Avoid that game, people. There is no limit to the number of lives and therefore, no end to play. No. End. To. Play. But, I digress.On this day of the eclipse, I thought I would come into the life. I am not Instagram-worthy right now. I am tired and have extensive baggage under my eyes. Think Bette Davis's steam trunks in "Now. Voyager". I have been bed bound much of the last few weeks and I fought both kids to go to school today. "You don't love me"s abounded.But I'm still standing (to mix my musical metaphors) and that is something. So I'll put on my glasses and walk into the sun and wait for the moon.

Once upon a time there was light in my life But now there's only love in the dark Nothing I can say A total eclipse of the heart