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That makes you a star.

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Yeah, me too!

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A Star in My Universe

Finance Friday — Because I’m Worth It
finance Traci Shannon finance Traci Shannon

Finance Friday — Because I’m Worth It

The easiest way, therefore, to make an expensive product attractive is to lower the price.  But, sometimes a discount isn’t the right play. Whether you refuse to lower the quality of materials or your shipping costs just doubled, a higher price tag doesn’t have to scare customers away. It’s important we know our value and let our product shine, even without a sale sign.

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Keeping the Plates Spinning
Mom Life, mom Traci Shannon Mom Life, mom Traci Shannon

Keeping the Plates Spinning

There is so much to be said for being an entrepreneur - the ability to create a vision, choose a direction, and hours. I know this pull. But, as every coin knows, there is another side. There is no one else to call into sick, or anything else, for that matter.

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Leap into Love
Instagram, Gratitude Traci Shannon Instagram, Gratitude Traci Shannon

Leap into Love

I have been absent around these parts most of the month. As I have shared, most of 2024 has belonged in the $@!tter. But that is life. There are no promises for an easy life, much less perfection. I have promised to be approachable and honest here, so I there you go. No hiding. My life pretty much fell apart.

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A Gift of Love
youtube, the pebble Traci Shannon youtube, the pebble Traci Shannon

A Gift of Love

It’s an extra long month and that means an extra opportunity to share love. Here is my sweet niece singing her heart out wishing love to the world. We all could learn from her belief in herself and others.

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Even Small Progress Is Progress
Be the Pebble, the pebble Traci Shannon Be the Pebble, the pebble Traci Shannon

Even Small Progress Is Progress

Life will never be perfect and rarely do we have whole days to tackle projects. If you can look around, however, and dedicate 15 or even five minutes to making something in your home better, you will not regret it. Do it several times on the same project and in short (to medium) order, you will find that large project accomplished. And while you know you feel great then, as you can see from the video, you start to feel better along the way.

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No One Should Go Forgotten
Be the Pebble, the pebble Traci Shannon Be the Pebble, the pebble Traci Shannon

No One Should Go Forgotten

No longer do the forgotten graves fade into obscurity; instead, they stand as testaments to the enduring power of remembrance. A cared-for cemetery is not just a resting place for the dead but a sanctuary for the living, a place where the past and present intersect. By honoring the lives and legacies of those who have gone, we can also help more people connect. We can encourage visitors, and more importantly, we can encourage healing too.

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Mind Your Business… and Be Happy About It
Self Care, Mental Health Traci Shannon Self Care, Mental Health Traci Shannon

Mind Your Business… and Be Happy About It

Working takes up a lot of your time and energy. Being a business owner requires even more dedication and hard work.

Whether the business is crunching numbers or making peanut butter crunch, nobody wants to be spread too thin. Prioritizing tasks including taking care of health is essential to this. Here are four ideas to help improve your life as a entrepreneur.

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Pack like a Pro
Travel Traci Shannon Travel Traci Shannon

Pack like a Pro

Dying for a family weekend away?

Me, too! But with that comes one of the least favorite tasks – packing for the whole crew. Juggling the needs and wants of each family member, fitting everything into your luggage, and making sure nothing important is forgotten - it’s near impossible! But here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be a source of stress. In fact, with a bit of planning and some savvy strategies, it can even be a smooth, almost enjoyable, well maybe not enjoyable, but no longer painful part of the process.

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I Needed a Pebble
the pebble, Mental Health Traci Shannon the pebble, Mental Health Traci Shannon

I Needed a Pebble

2023 was a brute of a year and I was not doing those little things for myself as I was out there spreading the word to others to do so. Now that I begin work on Season 2, I am recommitting to living my words, picking up my own pebbles rather than just giving them out.

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Go Bucket List or Go Home
Travel Traci Shannon Travel Traci Shannon

Go Bucket List or Go Home

Most of us have a bucket list of sorts and if traveling is on yours, I want to share some of the wildest, most exciting, and maybe craziest items I have heard as of late. Adding these to your list will definitely make them memorable.

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A Quiet Start
New Year, Health Traci Shannon New Year, Health Traci Shannon

A Quiet Start

This time of year, we tend to think we need to start everything with a bang. I certainly am guilty of that. This year I was forced into a slower start but it may prove to fortuitous. It certainly has made my thoughts run deep and towards gratitude.

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Make Health #1 in 2024
Health, Mental Health Traci Shannon Health, Mental Health Traci Shannon

Make Health #1 in 2024

We know how important it is, and yet we push it to the back of our minds and forget. It’s good to take care of your health, but we have to take care of all aspects, not just pick and choose which ones we choose to bother about. That’s not fair to our bodies, and it’s not going to work out in our favor in the end.

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