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That makes you a star.
You ready to #shinebrightly?
Yeah, me too!
Come see me at the place:
A Star in My Universe

Put the “Fit” in Fitness
We know it all too well: to reach our fitness goals we need to be consistent. However, if you’re like me, if you don’t like the activity or if the gym is easily accessible or affordable, it can be extremely challenging. And if you follow me, you know that I know that one size does NOT fit all. So let’s talk about how we can stay consistent no matter our personal and financial situation.

A Quiet Start
This time of year, we tend to think we need to start everything with a bang. I certainly am guilty of that. This year I was forced into a slower start but it may prove to fortuitous. It certainly has made my thoughts run deep and towards gratitude.

Make Health #1 in 2024
We know how important it is, and yet we push it to the back of our minds and forget. It’s good to take care of your health, but we have to take care of all aspects, not just pick and choose which ones we choose to bother about. That’s not fair to our bodies, and it’s not going to work out in our favor in the end.

911 or 411
We all have aches and pains but we wonder if its time for a trip to the MD or WebMD. I thought I would share a few of my actual experiences and some real advice on when it is a 411 or 911 situation.

Healthy Camping
When it comes to travel, chronic illness often throws a wrench in the works. While it is certainly possible to travel, visit new destinations and have adventures — I have done them all — we need to approach each opportunity with flexibility and caution.
Nothing is impossible
We simply have the right support and planning in place.

Pack for the Trip of Life
Life isn’t always easy all of the time, and the proverbial road of life has plenty of bumps along the way. Here’s the thing, though. The better we prepare for a road trip, the easier it goes. And if you’ll continue to roll with the metaphor (and well-placed pun), the same goes for life.

Own Your Health
So if you have been following along lately, you may noticed that I have been trying to take more control over your health and wellbeing. Working towards this possibility is working towards a brighter future. It isn’t easy and I wobble on this path but I thought I would share what I am trying to do.

Keep Standing Tall
No one can suggest I have been shy about my age as of late. In fact, it has been my lead. That said, getting older is not a zero-sum game (sorry I have been bingeing Billions). There are costs and one of them is bone health. Being a small-framed caucasian, I am especially aware that it is essential for me to remember what is going on inside, as well as outside as the calendars flip in my life.

Trying to be Chronically Rested
If you’ve been around this place lately, you know that chronic pain is a real thing for me and I talk about it a lot. It’s really more common than many may think. In fact, millions in the US suffer from it. While pain certainly makes aspects of life harder, it really hits at bedtime. Sleepless nights are extremely common, meaning zombie days to follow.

Being Fit is the Real Treat
Do you need to trick yourself to get the work out you know you need? It has taken everything to get me to do it. I mean everything!

Stable? At Least, On my Feet
If there is one thing that's absolutely essential to our health and longevity as we age, it's physical stability. We often refer to it as “balance”, and not in that work/life way. Here we’re talking about maintaining a good core to prevent falls or injuries that can have consequences, not just in later life, but now. So, what are the best ways to ensure that stability?

Eating Better and Other Stories from “I Know I Should, So What’s Stopping Me”
We’ve all heard the saying “you are what you eat.” While it was originally coined to encourage people to lose weight, there is some truth in those words when it comes to healthy eating. The food we eat directly fuels our bodies. It provides energy, as well as essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that we need to be healthy.

Finding Relief from Chronic Pain
My readers know I have been struggling with chronic pain for some time now. I’m trying to learn more about how to options, especially holistic to address that. I thought I would share some of what I’m learning.

Stick the Landing
It’s okay to be nervous, but don’t let your fear of needles stop you from overcoming your greatest fear of all -- that of COVID. Nothing to be ashamed of, fill your toolbox, make your plan, and stick the landing.

Three for Three
ACEs don’t have to be a life sentence of pain. They can be a growth point that creates strong, resilient children and later, adults. So even as I am working to support my kids through this period, I can’t help but think of how I may show support to others.

A Food Revolution
Changing my life starts with my health. And for this girl. that path is coming straight through the kitchen.

Put on a Happy Face
I have begun a regular exercise program and I am being more conscious about what I choose to eat. After this past year, I am looking for “happy” everywhere; including my food.

Goals to Grow, Not Resolve
This year I am not doing resolutions. Instead, I am working on “growth”.
Growth physically, mentally, and spiritually, as well as growing financially and growing my business.