Working with Influence

How do you think of a customer?

We often think of customers as the end users of our business; those that define and refine our success. But the truth is that customers aren’t just those who purchase from us, but in some cases, live with our brand. When we think of Google, it’s everywhere. Our banking apps are basically means of financial independence, allowing us access from everywhere.

Our bank can be with us everywhere

This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions are mine.
It is my Universe, after all.

Since we literally carry much of our business in our hand, it gives us the opportunity to advocate as customers and in reverse, if you are a business owner, a way to address those needs, as well. Plus, with the right programs and incentives, this online world offers opportunities for these same customers to work for you. To do this doesn’t require any attempts “hoodwink” customers, rather, the creation of a community around your brand will make this a natural outgrowth. If you’re in the unique position to leverage such an outcome, doing so with all your technical expertise is a good idea.

Speaking of unique position, I am in a distinctly unique one to speak to this as I am on both sides of this coin. I am certainly a customer of all of these, but also as a blogger and “influencer”, I know the value of a brand and how I can help support companies in promoting theirs.

Referral Programs

Referral programs can be a great method of drawing interest into your company. They can of draw people in to start plus if you reward both parties for doing so, they may keep doing it! A discount code valid for anyone who brings in another purchase from a friend or relative could be a good way to start. Just make sure the rewards are fair and appreciated, and don’t try to exploit customers for doing you a solid, as it were. This is super important.

Working with Influence

Influencer Sponsorships

Influencers might be seen as a little “cringe” on the surface, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Believe me, as an OG who started on and has grown over the last 15 years, I have seen and heard it all. Even the word is the latest in a long list of those used to describe what I do. That said, don’t underestimate it’s value. For example, if you sell fishing rods, and you like a particularly grounded fisherman/woman on a YouTube channel, you might send them a free set and ask for an honest review, paying them for the effort but not for the opinion. There are plenty to choose from, just don’t go to Mr. Million views. You can even make the terms of your contract very clear to show they’re not biased. At best, you get a good review and some organic traffic. At worst, you learn what to improve on next time and can be communicative about that, which helps people in that niche view you appropriately. As your company grows, you may develop relationships with some and form brand ambassadorships or the like.

Free Stickers & Merch

If you want customers to advertise you for free, get them to wear your logo around town. Create merchandise! This can be as simple and refined as awesome gold foil stickers, or as practical as branded pens, baseball caps, shirts and more. Most of us wear these items if they’re free without even thinking about our presence as a walking advertisement. Make it cute. Make it wearable or useful. Those items that are inexpensive, consider giving it out at events, or as bonuses with each order? Bigger items can be sold on your site. It all contributes to make your brand known.

Spread the influence

When it’s all said and done - you and/or your company are as brand-worthy as any that stare back at you from your phone. Don’t be afraid to create influence, and encourage your customers to become your advocates.


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