What's Happening Austin Giveaway RoundUp


Hey Austin Friends! I have not one, not two, but three giveaways supporting local stars in this girls Universe. Please check them out. I love Austin and I love Austinites out there making a contribution. My Gourmet by Numbers Giveaway is for a prepped dinner kit for a family of four.Gourmet Collage Look! Even I can do it!Gourmet Collage 2Yummy, right? Please help me support Heather here.***My beautiful and inspirational friend, Amanda Evans, has written another book in the Sadie Series. This time Sadie is headed to India to support a school. And this book does the same thing! I will sponsor one book on behalf of a reader -- the winner will get a signed copy of the book to keep! You can enter here.Sadie***Finally, my friends at Pollyanna Theatre Company are doing it again! They have offered another Gift Certificate for this weekend's shows. Check it out here!Pollyanna and Izzi PhotoSo please check out these giveaways because I love Austin and I love local. Most especially, I love my readers!  


Friday Fragments #32 - Star Wars


Late Night Snack with Dog's Breakfast