Friday Fragments #32 - Star Wars

It's Friday and that means it's time for Friday Fragments. Last week was Mrs. 4444's 300th installment and she had a party. Guess what? I got a party favor! That's right. I won an 8x10 art piece. Woo Hoo!Thanks Mrs. 4444 for hosting the giveaway and a weekly place to share the many fragments floating around my head on a daily basis.


First, when they report about the wildfires on the news I hate when they stress that million-dollar homes are endangered. Does that make it worse? Whether a home costs $100K or $100M, it's someone's home. It's their refuge. It's the place that holds their belongings and their memories. I doubt seriously the wounds are smaller just because they're not million dollar homes.


Secondly, the Diva made me smile. We went to a birthday party for a friend and the theme was the Clone Wars. Each child was given an inflatable lightsaber and allowed to avenge themselves on a Clone Trooper (as seen below - note LD's sword, a bit of a fail. HAHA)Izzi StormtrooperWe left the party  and she accidentally left the lightsaber behind. We realized before we had gotten too far away and I offered to turn back. She says, "That's okay, Mommy. I don't need a lightsaber. I have the power of the Force." - Yeah, you do! -- My Mommy heart went boom-boom-boom!


Little Diva and Sonny-Bunny were watching the Disney movie "Hercules". Sonny-Bunny began to point out the points that he felt were not historically accurate. Little Diva got so mad. She turns to him and yells, "Stop critiquing Hercules, jerk! It's just Disney!" I probably should have commented on her use of language but I couldn't intervene. I was in the next room laughing hysterically.


Finally, I did a Juice Cleanse this past week. It was an interesting experience. I did a three day cleanse in an attempt to reset my system. Between four bouts of antibiotics and stress/on-the-run eating, my body was not in good shape. So here's the Reader's Digest review. I was not hungry but I did miss eating. I did not cheat but I could not finish every bottle. I just couldn't swallow another sip of juice. I am glad I did it. Not only do I feel less bloated and logy, but I made much better food choices the next day. I started to drink a soda and it didn't taste good to me. I have had less coffee both mornings so if those are the only lingering effects, I am pretty happy!


That's it. Those are the fragments of my mind (as I typed that I heard in my head "These are the Days of Our Lives). Head over to Half Past Kissin' Time for other fragments.

Happy Friday!


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