A Star in My Own Universe

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We Showed Our #DisneySide and It Was a Party!

 I was provided a box of items to host a #DisneySide party. All opinions are mine.It is my universe, after all.

#DisneySide HomeToday is Little Diva's birthday but last week we celebrated by showing our #DisneySide!I was so blessed to be invited to host a Disney @Home celebration. You may remember  that I received this box. It was a multi-generational theme party so we chose to celebrate my mother's 67th birthday and my daughter's 8th birthday. We called it "6-7-8, Disney is Great!" party.#Disneyside PhotoThere was just too much goodness going on in that box. And I was crazy excited to share it all. I went Pinterest crazy and pinned enough ideas for about five parties! It was a fun endeavor, however, and we were very proud of the results.Here is a glimpse into our Disney Side @Home decorations.This was the entryway.Mickey. Disney, Pinterest Disney, Mickey, PinterestOur dessert table.Disney, Mickey, dessert We even showed our DisneySide with our lunch offerings. Disney, Rice Krispies, Mickey, PinterestLittle Diva was all in on the Pinterest projects. In fact, I'm pretty sure that she pinned more than I. Therefore, she was especially proud of her own Pinterest-worthy creation. Here is the Rapunzel photo station she created.Disney, PinterestI have to say that I thought it so clever. She came up with idea herself and made it. It was a proud momma moment. :-)We had a photo booth to capture the happy faces. Here are a few of our guests showing their #DisneySide.Disney, MickeyAnd me (before I got sick!)Disney, MickeyFinally, our birthday girls in action!birthday, Disney, Mickey I actually documented several of the projects in Step-by-Step posts. (I know, I know. Pinterest has stolen my soul!) Stay tuned...


 A heartfelt thank you to the wonderful team at BSM Media, Disney, and all the other wonderful contributors for making this possible. I am in your debt.