You get one life, why not star in it?

From Story to Scary, DIY Costume
Family Traci Shannon Family Traci Shannon

From Story to Scary, DIY Costume

This year, we faced a new Halloween challenge. Little Diva is attending a Catholic school so her costume was limited to a story book character. We also wanted something that could quickly be transformed into a scarier trick-or-treat version after school.

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A Scream Worthy Sunday

A Scream Worthy Sunday

We rode rides. My soon-to-be nine year old rode his first roller coaster -- The Steel Eel. The first hill is very steep and he literally looked like he was on a G-Force machine. He was gritting his teeth and his little cheeks were waving in the wind but after he survived the first two, he started laughing hysterically and yelling "wicked awesome!" When he got off, he turned me and said, "I'm a man now". It was truly a moment I will take with me.

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