A Star in My Own Universe

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A Tribe of Mamas

Two weeks ago, I shared a sneak peek of my MomCom Austin experience. A full day of speakers and meeting awesome women is a lot for a single post so today I thought that I would share what spoke most to me.Two speakers, Carrie Contey, PhD and Bernadette Noll shared their experiences in creating a Mama Tribe -- a group of women who supported each other but also held each other accountable. They met regularly and shared their goals and progress. They cheered each other's successes, helped to bear each other's burdens, and kicked each other in the rear when necessary.As I listened and looked around the room, I realized that I was surrounded by such a group. I have friends that want the best for me and from me. Our relationships started mostly on-line but slowly and surely, they became friends in the world outside of FB and Twitter. I receive hugs and eye-rolls in real time and they make me a better person. I am so in love with this group and thankful for them.More, I realized that this blog has buoyed me since I began writing my first blog over 3 years ago. Here I have created a tribe of readers. You have shared in my failures (BIG Mommy fail last week), cheered my successes (returning to the stage), tolerated excessive pictures of my cute kids and everything in-between. You have been become a family to me and there are not enough words to thank you for that.So to both my tribes, thank you from my heart! You fill my universe with the brightest of stars!