You’re here.
That makes you a star.
You ready to #shinebrightly?
Yeah, me too!
Come see me at the place:
A Star in My Universe

Fun in the Cold
Colder weather doesn't mean an active vacation around the winter holidays can’t happen. In fact, now that I live in Western New York I am surrounded by snow and ice and have found it a great source for plenty of fun activities.

Back in the Center Ring
The Legendary Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Debuts All-New Reimagined The Greatest Show On Earth® - this American Icon has launched a spectacular nationwide tour that brings comedy, thrills, and artistry to Children of All Ages© and it’s coming to Buffalo!

No Trust Falls Needed
We moved to Buffalo seeking change and growth. It was another hard thing, leaving everything and almost everyone we knew. We believed, however, that it was what we needed. This little adventure was a reminder that we were right in that belief.

I Saw the Lights
Last month, I shared that I would be checking off a bucket list item and attending a water lantern festival. I am happy to report that three days after my 52nd birthday, bucket item checked!

Our Summer of Fun
Last fall, my family and I moved to Buffalo, NY. As we moved into our rental literally four days before my daughter’s first day of school, we did not have much time to explore.
But now, it’s summer. Our summer of fun and I am sharing our Upstate NY Bucket List suggestions.

I‘ll See the Lights
Next weekend, I will get to finally experience such a festival and I can’t wait. The Water Lantern Festival is nationwide with festivals in cities across the country. Not only is it a lovely community event, but it supports water.org.

A Boo-tiful Fall
As the weather shifts cooler, the leaves start to fall, and we head out to pumpkin patches, it looks like we are on our way to a boo-tiful fall.